Stuffed Crocodile

A blog (mostly) about tabletop roleplaying games

A Miscellany of Links pt. III

have you considered Live Role-playing?

(full page ad for The Shadow League L.R.P. Association  from Australian Realms #6, 1992)

I decided to start sharing much more blog posts again. Especially with the ongoing… thing… that is happening with twitter it seems that more people are posting again even on blogs that have lain fallow for years. And I think some stuff really should be shared.

JAQUAYSING THE LOOP: All that is Jaquaysed is looped, but not all loops are Jaquaysed (I cast light) Dangerous Idolatry (Doomslakers!)

On the Origin of Ents (Rise up Comus)
Sahuagin: Origins and Inspirations (Hidden in Shadows)
Monstrous Monday: The Dúlachán (The Other Side)
Medusa and the Gorgons (Knight at the Opera)

Random Tables
100 Creepy Villainous Traits (
7 Grimoires and Lost Texts (Throne of Salt)
D20x5 Places of Pilgrimage (Archons March On)

Gamemaster Advice
Thought of the Day: The Law of the Conservation of NPCs (The Alexandrian)
Name Your Sessions Afterwards (Lich van Winkle)
Give Boss Monsters Awesome Nicknames (Sly Flourish)
The Adventure-Point Crawl Campaign (From the Sorceror’s Skull)

Free Stuff
Free TTRPG from Obsidian Entertainment (Pillars of Eternity) (The Frugal DM)

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