Stuffed Crocodile

A blog (mostly) about tabletop roleplaying games

A Miscellany of Links pt. IV

Cover of Black Pudding #2


J.V.West’s fanzine Black Pudding can be found for free/pwyw on drivethrurpg, and worth checking out.

Paul Siegel created a Book of War adjunct set of skirmish rules, Delta has put it on his blog to download for free

Free tokens from PD sources (yes, that’s my own stuff. In case you missed it.

Magic Items

The Thief’s Candle on Gorgon Bones


PCs returning to town too often for rest? ELfmaids and Octopi has you covered…

d100 Things a Monster can threaten that are not your life (newt wizard)


Small Gods and Their Shrines (Mac Makes Things)

Hobo Glyphs for RPGs (Flintlocks and Witchery)

DM Advice

Three Point Plot Clocks (Trollish Delver)


DMDavid on The Movies and Stories than Inspired Dave Arneson to Invent the Dungeon Crawl. He identifies specifically The Black Room (1935) and House of Dracula (1945) as likely having influenced it, as they ran just around the time when Arneson claimed to have received inspiration from old monster movies. Isn’t it weird how far you can investigate into some off-hand claim someone made decades ago?

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