Stuffed Crocodile

A blog (mostly) about tabletop roleplaying games

…about those soup ads…

stats for the blog that show an increase by 1025% of visitors for a single day.

Just wanted to show something interesting/neat:

The one article on the blog that actually is doing any numbers at all is me recounting the story of how Terry Pratchett changed his German language publisher because they put soup ads into his books and wouldn’t promise not to do it again.

It gets linked mostly by reddit every few months. This time it was Diane Duane (who herself had books where Heyne added soup ads in the middle) who linked to my blog, causing a visitor increase of a cool 1026%.

Of course nobody ever actually comments or reads anything else (except maybe that short post where I wrote that PTerry died).

Such is the life of the niche blogger I guess.

Of course it might help if I actually posted more often. Oh well.

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